
Oblivion wallpaper elder scrolls
Oblivion wallpaper elder scrolls

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The second page is instructions to build the portal to Paradise: Of bold Oblivion fire who finds you for Lord Dagon forever reborn in blood and fire from the waters from Oblivion. The array of letters in the circle is not meant to be read with this text, it is a separate part:

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As for the rest, the weak shall be winnowed, the timid shall be cast down, the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon. To be set above all other mortals, forever. When I walk the earth again, the faithful among you shall receive your reward. The first page of the Mysterium Xarxes translates as: The words are spread out wide throughout each page, but when set in the right order, can make sensible sentences. The Mysterium Xarxes is written in the Daedric Alphabet. Notice: The following translation was originally posted on the Imperial Library.

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Cloud Ruler Temple – On a table in the main hall.Once the Mysterium Xarxes is stolen from the Mythic Dawn cult at the Dagon Shrine and given to Martin Septim, the Hero of Kvatch is unable to carry the book again. When all four objects are laid together, the invocation that the Mysterium Xarxes holds binds the four objects together, which results in the creation of a giant sphere of orange light and fire. However, this portal requires four artifacts to draw its power upon: a Great Welkynd Stone, a Great Sigil Stone, a Daedric artifact, and the Blood of a Divine. The book also holds various magical incantations and rituals, which can be used to open a portal to Paradise. Mankar Camoran bound himself to the Xarxes and the book enables Martin Septim to open a portal. The Mysterium Xarxes is both the gate and the key to Camoran's Paradise, and in a way it is Camoran's Paradise, literally. I believe Mankar Camoran used it to create his Paradise." ― Martin Septim "This evil book was written by Mehrunes Dagon himself, and given by him to Mankar Camoran.

Oblivion wallpaper elder scrolls